What is the meaning of Ledger

The ledger is the principal book of accounting system. It contains different accounts where transactions relating to that account are recorded. A ledger is the collection of all the accounts, debited or credited, in the journal proper and various special journal. A ledger may be in the form of bound register, or cards, or separate sheets may be maintained in a loose leaf binder. In the ledger, each account is opened preferably on separate page or card A ledger is very useful and is of utmost importance in the organisation. The net result of all transactions in respect of a particular account on a given date can be ascertained only from the ledger. For example, the management on a particular date wants to know the amount due from a certain customer or the amount the firm has to pay to a particular supplier, such information can be found only in the ledger. Such information is very difficult to ascertain from the journal because the transactions are recorded in the chronological order and defies classification. For easy posting and location, accounts are opened in the ledger in some definite order. For example, they may be opened in the same order as they appear in the profit and loss account and in balance sheet, In the beginning, an index is also provided. For easy identification, in big organisations, each account is also allotted a code number

Format of Ledger

Ledger   Meaning  Definition  Introduction and Format of Ledger - 60