Jaw-Dropping Episode 4, Titled “The Whole World Is Watching,” premiered on Disney Hotstar on April 9, 2021, leaving the characters and viewers stunned. Episode 4 ended with John Walker killing the flag smasher with Captain America Shield and the citizens’ scene. Well, after that blood-shedding final scene, we are dying to see episodes 5. Well, we have a few interesting things about season 5. Without wasting time, let’s delve into the details of Episode 5.

The Plot of Episode 5 (Spoilers Alert)

The last episode opened the box of shocks and surprises for the fans and is not over yet. More shocks and surprises are coming for you, friends, in Episode 5. Episode 4 is obviously the most loved so far, but the strongest is still to come.  Showrunner Malcolm Spellman was excited the most about episode 5 even before the series was released. While speaking to Comicbook.com, he said-  “Hands down, [Episode] 5, it just gets real. You’re going to cry.” In Episode 4, John Walker, feeling inferior, took the serum. Well, it was explicitly not shown, but the action of murdering an unarmed flag smasher speaks of that. John Walker tainted the Legacy of Captain America. Neither the fans and nor the other characters are happy about that. Clearly, Sam blundered by giving the shield to the Department of justice, which further handed it to John Walker to maintain Steve Rogers’s legacy. Instead, he destroyed the same. MCU has teased us by dropping a sneak peek on Apr 12, 2021, which majorly consists of the earlier episode’s spoilers but has few scenes from the next episode.  In the next episode, Sam and Bucky will try to get the shield back from Walker. Well, it will be interesting to see them as Walker will not give it to them easily. Further, he is a super soldier now after injecting the serum. Dam it! How is Sam gonna take the shield from him? The teasers also depict that Isaiah Bradley, the Black super-soldier, may return. In episode 2, Bradley met Bucky and Sam in Baltimore, where Bradley angrily disclosed how the US government appreciated him for his service by jailing him for 30 years. He further revealed that they forcefully experimented with him to create a new super-soldier serum. Since then, Bradley was left behind the scene. Well, according to the comic, Bradley was captain America long before John Walker. However, he was not recognized due to his skin color. Maybe it’s time to know the full history behind the origin of Captain America.  Spellman further teased that there will be a cameo in episode 5. Though he has not revealed the character’s name, he does tell it will be a major character from the MCU.

Spellman said – ” It will be a “very grounded” character with a strong personality whom he’d love to see “partnered with one of the big world-shakers like Thor.” Well, we are guessing, we will Perhaps finally see who the Power Broker is. Our speculation will be over soon. Can wait, Folks, to see the next episode.

The Release date of Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 5?

 The most awaited episode 5 of Falcon and the Winter Soldier will premiere on 16 April 2021 on Diseney+. According to the rumors, the episode will run for 61 mins.

Trailer of Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 5

MCU released a chilling trailer on 12 April 2021 titled “Mid-Season Sneak Peek | Marvel Studios’ The Falcon and The Winter Soldier | Disney+.”  Check the trailer out here.

Where Can We Watch Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 5?

Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 5 will release on Disney+ to watch.

Final Words

Two episodes are left to tie all the remaining knots. Well, it will be remarkable to see how MCU wrapped the series up within 2 episodes. Sam must get the shield back from Walker and assign it to the right place after knowing its complete history. Zemo is running from Dora Milaje, and Power Broker is still a mystery. Episode 5 just set the curiosity of the fans at zenith. Well, we won’t have to wait much for unfolding, not all, but a few things. What do you think, guys? Who is coming in a cameo? Do tell us in the comment section. Bookmark our website to read similar articles.

1 The Plot of Episode 5 (Spoilers Alert)2 The Release date of Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 5?3 Trailer of Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 54 Where Can We Watch Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 5?5 Final Words