Since ancient times people have been trying to reveal and neutralize the causes of conflicts, but the process is endless. As soon as we resolve one confrontation, another appears right away. It is impossible to avoid them completely, that’s why we have to learn to manage them.  A conflict is typically considered a bad thing, but it also has a positive side. We can learn something new from it, grow and develop. The best tactic is learning how to behave in a situation of conflict. 

The Most Common Types of Conflicts

The first and most well-known type is a military confrontation, since it is the most massive type with the heaviest impact. A conflict is defined as military if it requires the use of weapons.  Another type is a confrontation at work. It originates inside the company and is mostly about workflow, business processes, or production. There are always misunderstandings in a team that works together and has shared goals and objectives. It can also be called a business conflict.  The most common type of conflict that we encounter almost every day is the family conflict. We all have our loved ones, be they parents, children, spouses or simply friends who sometimes get on our nerves.    One of the most mentally challenging issues, however, is an internal conflict. The reasons it arises are always based on our views and feelings. This type of conflict is difficult to overcome since its resolution depends on you alone. . But what is important is that an internal conflict can lead to other types of disagreements: work, family, and, theoretically, even military.

The Main Causes of Conflicts

During our life, we accumulate a lot of disagreements in different spheres of our lives. There are examples of conflicts that last for years. We find our ambitions and deep feelings so important that we are ready to fight for them. A confrontation is seen as a way out of all the issues, whether it is between people, nations, states, communities, or value systems. And the end of a conflict can be marked by various means, from verbal agreements to fights and armed conflicts. But of course, is always better to avoid problems by preventing their occurrence. 

Workplace Conflicts

Conflicts in the workplace are common, but they negatively influence  productivity. They take up time and resources that could have been be used for essential things. Besides, if employees are involved in a confrontation, they cannot concentrate on work well since all their energy is spent on emotions.

What can cause confrontations at work:

management problems;staff turnover problems;employees neglecting their duties.

The best ways to minimize confrontations:

creating a good atmosphere;working with the whole team;paying equal attention to every employee;supporting the staff in problematic situations.

Six steps to resolving a conflict:

understanding the causes of the disagreement;encouraging employees to manage their confrontation themselves;reacting quickly;listening to both sides;identifying the real problem;finding the optimal solution.

A lack of respect among colleagues and a tense atmosphere in the workplace will lead to the productivity of the entire business going down. That’s why it is better to quickly resolve any problems that occur. CMA Consulting has extensive experience in conflict resolution and is ready to help you increase your employees’ productivity.  Remember: constructive conflict resolution will lead to healthy competition and increase the creativity. 

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